Research Articles, Dissertation, Thesis, Popular Articles
Research Works after PhD.
- Shahi, Ayushma, Sweta Shrestha, Badri K. C, Khagendra Acharya, and Sait Kumar Pradhan. “Potential roles of pharmacists in HIV/AIDS care delivery in Nepal: A qualitative study” Plos one 18.1 (2023): e0280160.
- Dhakal, Durga Prasad, Khagendra Acharya. “Effects of Online Review on Attitude towards Product Displayed in Online Site.” Available at SSRN 4315196 (2022).
- Rai, Tikaram, Khagendra Acharya. “Banking Frauds: Causes and Preventions” Journal of Banking, Finance & Insurance, 2.3 (2021): 70-77.
- Parajuli, Bikash, Khagendra Acharya, and Dipak Shrestha. “Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury in Nepal: A systematic review” Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 11.6 (2020): 121-128.
- Acharya, Khagendra. “Maoist Combatants’ Narratives: Partisan Attachment to Post-truce Politics” Literary Studies, 33 (2020): 31-40.
- Acharya, Khagendra, Orla T. Muldoon, and Jangab Chauhan. “Tara Rai’s Chhapamar Yuwatiko Diary: Narrative & socio-political context of her war trauma in Nepal.” Narrative Inquiry, 30.1 (2020): 122-141.
- Acharya, Khagendra. “Women’s Consciousness and Agency in Manjushree Thapa’s Tilled Earth,” Women Writers of the South Asian Diaspora: Interpreting Gender, Texts and Contexts, Edited by Ajay K. Chaubey and Shilpa Daithota Bhat, Rawat Publications, 2020.
- Acharya, Khagendra et al. “Students’ Perception of Quality Education: A Review.” Polysemy vol. 1. (2019). (accepted for publication)
- Parajuli, Bikash; Khagendra Acharya, and Dipak Shrestha. PROSPERO Registration for systematic review on Spinal cord injury in Nepal. 2019.
- Muldoon, Orla T et al. “Community identity and collective efficacy: A social cure for traumatic stress in post-earthquake Nepal.” European Journal of Social Psychology, 47.7 (2017): 904-915.
- Acharya, Khagendra, Orla T. Muldoon. “Why “I” became a combatant: A study of memoirs written by Nepali Maoist combatants.” Terrorism and Political Violence, 29.6 (2017): 1006-1025.
PhD. Dissertation
- Acharya, Khagendra. Literary configurations of personal experience: Violence experience, symptomatic aftermath, and social identity in the Maoist partisans’ narrative. 2017, PhD Thesis, Kathmandu University.
Papers after M.Phil.
- Acharya, Khagendra. “Eloquent Hills: Essays on Nepali Literature – A Review.” Studies in Nepali History and Society, 17.2 (2012): 396-98.
- Acharya, Khagendra. “Why Gerbner’s Communication Model in Trauma Studies?” Spark: International Online Journal, 4.8(2012): 15-33.
- Acharya, Khagendra. “Open and distance learning (ODL) in Nepal: Prospects and challenges.” Interdisciplinary Thought, 2012.
- Acharya, Khagendra. “Thinking through Media Theories: Understanding and Furthering Trauma Studies.” Continental Journal Arts and Humanities, 4.2(2012):8-17.
M.Phil. Papers/Articles/Thesis
- Acharya, Khagendra. Trauma of Maoist insurgency in literature: Reading Palpasa Café, Forget Kathmandu and Chhapamar ko Chhoro. Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5(2011):80-110.
- Acharya, Khagendra. Trauma of Maoist Insurgency in Palpasa Café, Forget Kathmandu: an Elegy for Democracy and Chhapamar Ko Chhoro. 2010, M.Phil. Thesis, Tribhuvan University.
- Acharya, Kahagendra. Colonial Paranoia and Cultural Narcissism as Identity Trope for the Writers of Non-Colonized Space like Nepal. 2010.
- Acharya, Khagendra. “Modernity and English mixing: A study of Nepalese television commercials.” Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 3.1 (2009): 53-60.
- Acharya, Khagendra. “Commodification of Personal Letters: The Cultural Politics of Print Industry in Nineteenth Century England.” Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2.1 (2008): 176-187.
- Acharya, Khagendra. Hypocrisy for Survival: Redefining Terrorism in Shalimar the Clown. http://10.13140/RG.2.2.35756.67205
- Acharya, Khagendra. Quest for Human Relationship: An Avenue to Access Postmodern Condition. 2009, M.Phil Term Paper, Tribhuvan University.
- Acharya, Khagendra. Postmodernism: Expressions to the Dominant View of Nation. 2009, M.Phil Term Paper, Tribhuvan University.
- Acharya, Khagendra. Collage in Feminism: An Inescapable Trap of Male Discourse. 2009, M.Phil Term Paper, Tribhuvan University.
- Acharya, Khagendra. Stigmatizing to Death: Who is Responsible. 2009. M.Phil Term Paper, Tribhuvan University.
Masters Thesis/Thesis Based Articles
- Acharya, Khagendra, and Tirtha R. Ghimire. “Using Collage for Creative Writing.” ELT Quarterly, vol. 12, no. 1, 2010, pp. 1-4.
- Acharya, Khagendra. “Collage and its Significance in Writing.” Bodhi: An Inter-disciplinary Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, 2007, pp. 91-94.
- Acharya, Khagendra. Pygmalion and Collage: A Rupture of Boundary. 2005. Masters Thesis, Tribhuvan University.
The Blogs I Handle(d)
- Personal blog I :
- Personal blog II:
- KU Volunteeting activities, 2015:
- WASH Training:
Popular Articles
- “A nobility, now difficult to continue.” Space Time Today. April 27, 2002.
- “Myth of Sybil and women’s right to property.” Space Time Today.
- “Women empowerment and seminars.” Space Time Today. March 16, 2002.
- “Supporting tax increment.” Space Time Today. February 23, 2002.
- “Harsh realities of dalit movements.” Space Time Today. January 24, 2002.
- “Summit and wonder.” Space Time Today. January 19, 2002.
- “A scheme for investors.” Space Time Today. January 8, 2002.
- “Behind transfer-mania.” Space Time Today. December 11, 2001.
- “Need for inaguration portfolio.” Space Time Today. November 24, 2001.
- “Hankering after a car.” The Kathmandu Post. July 21, 2001.
- “Democracy and Freedom.” Space Time Today. July 6, 2001.
- “Ranabhat’s Fiasco.” The Kathmandu Post. June 19, 2001.
- “Naked Colonial Hangover.” The Kathmandu Post. June 14, 2001.